I shared a walk in Israel in March with a group that included a delightful young woman. One day she remarked "I could be wrong but I am usually right." She said it with a soft smile and a positive tone and I believe she probably is usually right.
My dilemma is that I find myself sharing my thoughts and views with some degree of certainty. However, I am comfortable saying "I could be wrong." So I want to wade into the muddy waters of theology and bible and it is likely you will decide this is one of those times Norm is wrong.
My tradition, United Methodists (and that label is now a real struggle), is searching for a way to hopefully stay together and be faithful to the bible. The hot button focus at the moment is inclusion of all people in terms of sexual orientation. My observation is that the dialogue needs to begin with respectful and open conversation about what the bible says.
Some take a literal approach and say 'the bible says what it says.' Some take a historical/critical approach and say 'the bible says what it says but we need to look at the context in which it was said' (and you thought I wasn't paying attention in how to use doublespeak). Some of us like bible study groups that reflect our view. Some of us like bible study groups that challenge our view.
I pose two thoughts. The first is that I think there is always the temptation to tell the people what they want to hear. One defines reality rather than wrestling honestly with the possibility of having misunderstood reality. It happens in politics, it happens in news media, and it happens in the church. The second thought is simply this-can we stay together in faith community with those who understand the bible differently? Is it okay to see different realities in the same faith community?
I could be wrong but I think this sits beneath the buzz and heated views swirling at the moment. Is being gay a sin? Do Muslims and Christians believe in the same God? Can I believe that every word in the bible is without error? Can I believe that the bible contradicts itself? Is it possible we have misconceptions about heaven and hell? Is there more than one way to God?
It took me awhile but I ended up in the muddy waters. I could be wrong but I believe until we are willing to be together in the muddy waters we will continue to muddle along becoming more and more irrelevant to more and more people. I could be wrong but I believe God calls us to live out the vision of love, compassion, and justice for all the peoples of the earth. AND THAT DRIVES MY PASSION TO LIVE WITH FAITH AND DOUBT.