Sunday, July 10, 2011

Training The Eye

For the past month I have had to deal with 'floaters' in my left eye.  They became very noticeable following a laser procedure.  My doctor says it often comes with 'older people', especially those with lens implants.  I have lens implants but I am still getting used to being one of the 'older people'!  Anyway, they are so annoying.  Much of the time I do not even know they are there.  Then I am reading and suddenly a black dot with ragged edges slides into the center of my vision turning printed words fuzzy.  Or I get ready to hit the tennis ball and a tangled black string slips into view and my eye follows its movement instead of the yellow ball.  Man, these floaters are messing up my vision!  The good news (according to my doctor) is that there is no tear in the retina and the eye can 'learn' not to see these floaters.  While they will always be hanging around, apparently the eye can be trained to ignore them.
All of this has left me wondering if some of the emotional aspects of my life are also affected in a similar way.  Hurtful actions and hateful words by others collect in some inner corner of my brain.  Most days I don't see them but then comes a challenging time or a vulnerable moment and suddenly my inner eye sees the 'floaters'.  My inner eye focuses on yesterday's collection of ragged lines and and black dots-each one a barrier to clearly seeing the day.  I get annoyed as my eye focuses on the floater and not the world in front of me.  Maybe I need to train my inner eye to look through these floaters and keep them from clouding the joy of this day.
My eye doctor tells me it can take months to train my left eye to ignore the floaters and focus on what I am seeing or reading.  I suspect it may take me years to train my inner eye to ignore those emotional floaters and focus on the day I have.  Let the training begin!

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