Tuesday, November 22, 2011


I was eating my breakfast on the cruise ship while taking in the view of Istanbul, Turkey-a good beginning to the day.  A man walking by my table noticed my Penn State shirt.  He said: "Takes courage to wear that today.  Aren't you ashamed?"  The night before the news had reached me about the tragic story of reported abuse of young boys by a former Penn State coach.

Arriving home I found a face book message waiting for me that was anything but funny.  It said: "If an older woman who likes younger men is called a cougar, is an older man who likes young boys called a Nittany Lion." Yesterday's newspaper featured a story about the steep decline in the sale of Penn State clothing since the news broke about this scandal.

FOCUS! The real story is that innocence for too many young boys was taken away from them.  The real story is that their lives are not and will never be the same again.  They live with wounds and memories that affect emotions and actions long after this story is back page news.  What does it matter that sales are off?  What does it matter if someone uses the opportunity to 'dig me' about my college team? What does it matter if anyone thinks I should be ashamed to wear Penn State apparel?  What matters is what happened to these young boys and what impact all of this will have on their lives!  It is reported one boy has had to leave his high school because of other students reactions to him coming forward to report the abuse.

FOCUS!  In the handful of days I have been back home there has been at least one news story every day about a teacher, a neighbor, a family member, a coach, a politician who has been charged with sexual abuse of a child.  What is wrong with us that so many cannot/will not control their impulses or keep themselves from places of opportunity to betray the trust our children give to adults?  What does it say about us that so many young boys and girls are victims without voice-fearful they will not be believed?

My heart is with the victims, identified by a number that is exponentially multiplied each and every day across our country.  I am not concerned what anyone thinks when they see me in my Penn State sweatshirt.  I am not concerned by the insensitive remarks I receive.  I am not concerned about the reputation of PSU.  I am not concerned how much clothing is sold.  I am concerned that too many lives were violated at PSU and across our country.  Lets FOCUS on doing all we can to address the real tragedy of lost innocence and wounded lives that is repeated day after day.

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